The Benefits of Exercise for Diabetics

Exercise is an important part of managing diabetes, both Type 1 and Type 2. Regular exercise helps maintain insulin sensitivity, prevents the accumulation of excess weight, and increases glucose use by muscles. For those with Type 2 diabetes, exercise is even more essential in preventing its onset. In this blog post, we'll discuss the benefits of exercise for diabetics and how to incorporate it into your daily routine.

The Facts About Diabetes Type 1 & 2

The most common types of diabetes are known as Type 1 and Type 2.  Type 1 diabetes, which is also known as adolescent diabetes, differs from Type 2‌‌in the sense that the body will stop producing insulin altogether.

Type 2 diabetes is normally diagnosed in older adults and occurs as the body stops producing enough insulin or the individual becomes resistant to their own body insulin.

No matter what form of diabetes it is, you'll lose your ability to adequately utilize sugar.  The blood sugar levels will increase due to the body's difficulty in transporting sugar into the cells and out of the bloodstream.  There are several ways to lower your blood sugar levels, including diet, exercise, and supplements.

Almost all diabetics tend to develop circulatory problems and exercise can help lower blood pressure and improve circulation throughout the body. Seeing as how people with diabetes tend to have poor blood flow to their lower areas and feet, better circulation is a great benefit. Even though there are risks associated with exercise, the potential benefits will outweigh the risks.

Insulin Sensitivity

Exercise helps to maintain insulin sensitivity which is important in controlling blood sugar levels. When your body becomes more sensitive to the insulin it means that less of the hormone is required to move glucose into cells where it can be used as energy.

This improved efficiency helps to keep blood sugar levels in check and minimizes the risk of long-term complications associated with hyperglycemia such as heart disease, stroke, and kidney failure.

Weight Gain Prevention for Diabetics

Exercise also helps to prevent the accumulation of excess weight which can lead to an increased risk of developing Type 2 diabetes or further complicating existing diabetes if you are already diabetic.

Weight loss through regular physical activity reduces fat stores which help to increase insulin sensitivity and improves glucose metabolism within cells. Maintaining a healthy weight also lowers your risk of developing other chronic illnesses such as heart disease and stroke.

Type 2 Diabetes Prevention

Although there is really no way to prevent Type 1 diabetes, it is possible to prevent Type 2 diabetes. Regular exercise supplementation with vitamins and herbs that will help to prevent insulin resistance and proper control of weight are important things to consider when attempting to prevent the onset of Type 2 diabetes.

Studies have shown that individuals who engage in regular physical activity are up to 30% less likely to develop this form of diabetes compared with those who do not exercise regularly or at all.

The Benefits Of Exercise For Diabetics Type 1 & 2

Exercise can have a significant impact on blood sugar levels for diabetics. When you engage in regular physical activity, your body's muscle cells are more sensitive to insulin and can absorb more glucose from the bloodstream.

This means that your body is able to process glucose more efficiently and lower your overall blood sugar levels. Additionally, exercising regularly helps prevent the development of excess weight which can lead to Type 2 diabetes down the line.

When engaging in physical activity as a diabetic, it's important to monitor your blood sugar levels closely during and after exercise. Blood sugar levels tend to drop when you exercise, so it's best to check them before beginning any activity and again periodically throughout if necessary.

It's also helpful to keep some type of snack with you on hand such as hard candy or a fruit juice box just in case you need something quick in order to raise your blood sugar level if it drops too low during or after exercise.

Exercise will also help to prevent and minimize common diabetic complications which include heart problems, high blood pressure, and circulatory deficiencies.

How To Incorporate Exercise Into Your Routine?

Finding time for regular physical activity can be difficult but there are some easy ways to make it work even with a busy schedule! First off, aim to get at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity each day if possible - this could be walking briskly around the block or running upstairs if you're feeling adventurous!

If you don't have time for a full 30-minute workout every day, try breaking it up into smaller chunks throughout the day - 10 minutes here and 20 minutes there adds up quickly! Also, consider incorporating activities like gardening or housework into your daily routine - these activities count as exercise too!

Pay Attention to Your Body When Exercising

During and after you have exercised, you should pay very close attention to how you feel, since a rapid heartbeat, increased sweating, feeling shaky, or hunger can signal that your blood sugar levels are getting too low.

How To Change Your Diet to Keep Your Healthy Sugar Levels?

When asking yourself how to prevent diabetes or maintain healthy blood sugar levels, focus your attention on three primary elements: weight loss (or maintenance), exercise, and diet modification. In many cases, simply changing lifestyle habits such as reducing stress levels or increasing physical activity can help someone avoid getting this potentially life threatening disease.

When it comes to diet changes though, focus on including more low GI foods into your everyday meals such as fruits and vegetables with minimal processing or added ingredients like sweeteners or salt; whole grains instead of processed grains; legumes such as beans; nuts; olives; dairy items such as yogurt; fish instead of red meats; eggs; chicken without skin; olive oil; some red wines; green tea; and dark chocolate (in moderation).

Watch This Short Video to Understand Type 2 Diabetes>>>

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Exercise is an essential part of managing diabetes for both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics alike. Engaging in regular physical activity helps maintain insulin sensitivity and prevent excess weight buildup which can lead to Type 2 diabetes down the road. When exercising as a diabetic, be sure to monitor your blood sugar levels closely before starting any activity as well as periodically throughout if needed.

Lastly, remember that even small chunks of physical activity add up quickly so try finding ways like gardening or housework that incorporate movement into your daily life! With a little bit of effort and dedication, anyone can reap the benefits of regular exercise while managing their diabetes successfully!

Thank You for Reading!

Be Healthy & Happy!

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