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Many of us are familiar with the traditional beauty tips that promise to keep us looking young and vibrant. But did you know that certain superfoods can also help you in your quest for age-defying beauty? It's true!
From goji berries to chlorella, incorporating certain foods into your diet can help you look and feel your best. So let's take a closer look at six superfoods that can do wonders for your skin, hair, and overall health.
#1. Goji Berries
Hollywood’s hottest new food, is one of the most nutritionally dense foods on earth and houses a staggering concentration of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, phytochemicals, and essential fatty acids.
In addition to being packed with antioxidants to fight free radicals and oxidative stress (which contributes to premature aging), these tiny red fruits have been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine as a beauty aid. They are said to improve circulation and nutrition of the cells within the skin which helps maintain a youthful complexion.
Originating in Tibet and greatly favored in traditional medicine these dried berries have many noted health benefits including boosting immunity, lowering cholesterol, enhancing vision, fighting cancer cells, relieving depression, and aiding weight loss.

Goji berries contain 500 times more vitamin C than oranges by weight and more beta-carotene than carrots making them a superb source of vitamin A. Together with vitamin E and essential fatty acids, these berries are ideal for any anti-aging and beauty regime.
They also contain polysaccharides, one of which has been found to stimulate the secretion of the rejuvenating human growth hormone by the pituitary gland, as well as B vitamins, 21 minerals, and 18 amino acids.
A study cited in Dr. Mindell’s book ‘Goji: The Himalayan Health Secret’, observed that 67 percent of elderly people that were given a daily dose of
Super Foods Originality the berries for 3 weeks experienced dramatic immune system enhancement and a significant improvement in spirit and optimism.
#2. Aloe Vera
Forget Botox, Aloe Vera increases collagen production 100% naturally for a youthful, wrinkle-free complexion and plump, beautiful skin. The ultimate Botox alternative! With its anti-inflammatory properties, it is known to reduce redness while fighting acne breakouts; aloe vera also contains three hormones that promote healthy skin growth as well as Vitamin B12 which helps reduce hyperpigmentation.
The inner gel of the Aloe vera leaf contains around 200 active compounds with over 75 nutrients. These include 20 minerals, 18 amino acids, and 12 vitamins.
Aloe Vera also has anti-microbial properties fighting fungi and bacteria and houses anti-inflammatory plant steroids and enzymes.
Aloe Vera is known to aid digestion and elimination, boost the immune system, and be highly effective at healing, moisturizing, and rejuvenating the skin, naturally stimulating the production of collagen.

Aloe Vera is best eaten fresh when possible (you can order large Aloe Vera leaves that last a few weeks refrigerated). Scrape out the inside gel, avoiding the outside of the leaf which is a strong laxative, and blend with fruit for the ultimate beautifying smoothie. Aloe Vera has a mild flavor though a slightly bitter edge, hence is best combined with fruit.
Avocados are smoothing and softening for the skin and are easily absorbed; compared with almond, corn, olive, and soybean oils, avocado oil has the highest skin penetration rate.
Rich in omega-3 fatty acids which work together with Vitamin E to protect cell membranes from environmental damage while locking in moisture levels in the face avocados fight wrinkles by giving a much-needed boost of hydration throughout the day.

Glutathione found in avocados is effective against pollutants such as cigarette smoke and exhaust fumes as well as ultraviolet radiation. Research is currently exploring the potential benefits of glutathione for numerous conditions including cancer, heart disease, memory loss, arthritis, Parkinson's disease, eczema, liver disorders, and heavy metal poisoning.
#4. Chlorella
Chlorella is an amazing algae with high concentrations of nucleic acids RNA and DNA which help nourish cells within our bodies leading to healthier tissue repair and cell growth - all great news if you’re looking to reduce wrinkles or prevent premature aging!
It is rich in antioxidants that fight harmful free radicals that damage our cells on a daily basis. The production of nucleic acids in the body declines progressively as we age, which is no doubt why their intake is recommended by Dr. Benjamin Frank in ‘The No-Aging Diet’.
Paul Pitchford in ‘Healing with Whole Foods’ writes that ‘insufficient nucleic acid causes premature aging as well as weakened immunity’, Research at the Medical College of Kanazawa in Japan found that mice that were fed chlorella had a 30 percent increase in life span. Replenishing RNA and DNA can be key to overall health, immunity, and longevity.

In addition to nucleic acids, chlorella is jam-packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes, and amino acids, making it an incredibly rejuvenating and health-promoting superfood. Spirulina is a virtuous equivalent.
#5. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil has long been heralded as one of the most versatile ingredients around both inside and outside of the kitchen!
From cooking meals with it to using it as an overnight hair treatment, coconut oil is full of good fats that can help keep our bodies healthy while reducing inflammation within our cells - great news if you’re hoping to stay looking young!

Coconut oil speeds up your metabolism and can actually help you lose weight. It is also incredibly beautifying and moisturizing for the skin and has antioxidant properties that protect against free-radical damage, keeping the skin youthful and healthy. Taken internally or externally coconut oil is a great ally for any beauty skincare regime.

It also contains lauric acid, an anti-microbial fatty acid that kills bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Plus, coconut oil doubles as a fantastic makeup remover so you can get rid of all your old makeup without harsh chemicals or expensive wipes!
#6. Bee Pollen
When it comes to young and beautiful skin, bee pollen has outstanding gifts. Swedish dermatologist Dr. Lars-Erik Essen uses bee pollen to successfully treat acne and other skin conditions and observes its beautifying and anti-aging effects. He reports that bee pollen ‘seems to prevent premature aging of the cells and stimulates the growth of new skin tissue. It offers effective protection against dehydration and injects new life into dry cells.

It smoothest away wrinkles and stimulates a life-giving blood supply to all skin cells.’He believes its skin rejuvenation properties are due to its high concentration of nucleic acids RNA and DNA, as well as its natural antibiotic action.

Bee pollen has a host of other health-promoting benefits that include fighting infections, lowering cholesterol, and strengthening the blood. Boosting the immune system, increasing physical strength and stamina, aiding longevity
Eating well doesn't just benefit your body; it's also great for maintaining youthful skin too! By incorporating these six superfoods into your daily routine, you will not only benefit from their many health benefits but also enjoy their age-defying effects too how's that for beauty with substance?
Whether you choose to eat them raw or incorporate them into recipes such as smoothies or salads, adding these superfoods into your diet may just be the key ingredient missing when it comes to achieving beautiful ageless skin.
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Eat Well, Feel Well, and Be Your Best!