Content Summary

Stress, often viewed as a negative force, has roots in our evolutionary history, where it played a crucial role in the survival of our ancestors. While stress can be a healthy response to challenges, the relentless presence of chronic stress in modern life can have detrimental effects on long-term health. In this article, we explore the causes and symptoms of stress and offer practical tips to combat its impact on mental and physical well-being.

Understanding Stress and Its Impact on the Body:

When stress becomes chronic, it can lead to alterations in hormonal and immune responses, affecting the body's ability to fend off illnesses. Research has shown that severe chronic stressors increase the risk of health-related problems, emphasizing the need for proactive stress management.

In a study involving 276 participants exposed to common cold viruses, those experiencing prolonged stress exhibited a significantly higher risk of falling ill. Factors like under- or unemployment and family difficulties also contributed to increased susceptibility to diseases. This underscores the importance of addressing stressors before they escalate into significant health issues.

Identifying Symptoms of Stress:

Stress manifests in various ways, impacting emotions, behaviors, cognitive abilities, and physical health. Emotional symptoms may include agitation, frustration, feeling overwhelmed, and avoiding others. Physical symptoms range from low energy and headaches to muscle tension and insomnia. Cognitive symptoms encompass constant worrying, racing thoughts, and forgetfulness.

Recognizing these symptoms is crucial, as unchecked stress can compromise overall well-being. If you find yourself experiencing an array of stress symptoms for an extended period, taking action and implementing lifestyle adjustments becomes imperative.

Common Stressors in Modern Life:

Identifying stressors is essential for effective coping. Common stressors include financial insecurities, family problems, caregiving responsibilities, relocations, and the loss of a loved one. Being attuned to potential stressors enables individuals to develop coping mechanisms tailored to their specific situations.

What Are the Symptoms of Stress?

Stress can affect all parts of your life, including your emotions, behaviors, thinking ability, and physical health. Symptoms can be vague and may be the same as those caused by medical conditions.

Emotional symptoms of stress can include:

  • Becoming easily agitated, frustrated, and moody
  • Feeling overwhelmed
  • Having a hard time relaxing and quieting your mind
  • Avoiding others

Physical symptoms of stress include:

  • Low energy
  • Headaches
  • Aches, pains, and tense muscles
  • Chest pain and rapid heartbeat
  • Insomnia
  • Frequent colds and infections
  • Loss of sexual desire and/or ability

Cognitive symptoms of stress include:

  • Constant worrying
  • Racing thoughts
  • Forgetfulness and disorganization
  • Inability to focus
  • Poor judgment
  • Being pessimistic or seeing only the negative side

If you experience too many symptoms of stress for a more extended time, you should try to take action and make necessary lifestyle corrections.

What Can Cause Stress?

Most people in modern society experience stress, regardless of profession or family situation. It is important to identify stressors to better deal with the side effects and find effective coping mechanisms. It is also important to listen to your body and be coherent to stress symptoms, especially if you are in one of the following potentially stressful situations:

  • Being the primary caretaker of an elderly, sick, or disabled person.
  • Financial insecurities. Under-employment or unemployment.
  • Family problems
  • Moving
  • Death of a loved one.

Six Practical Strategies for Stress Management:

  1. Daily Relaxation: Dedicate time each day to activities you enjoy, fostering relaxation and mental rejuvenation.
  2. Physical Activities: Engage in activities like yoga, exercise, sports, music, and meditation, proven to lower stress levels.
  3. Build a Support Network: Cultivate a strong support group of family and friends who offer encouragement and a listening ear.
  4. Maintain Positivity: Reframe negative situations, practice positive thinking, and visualize favorable outcomes.
  5. Healthy Eating Habits: Consume well-balanced, scheduled meals to provide the body and brain with the energy needed for optimal function.
  6. Avoid Taking Things Personally: When faced with criticism or negativity, refrain from taking things personally to preserve mental well-being.

How to Boost Your Health To Combat Stress

Stress negatively affects a person's blood pressure and blood flow, reducing the quality of life. Therefore, a healthy diet can help combat stress and reduce symptoms. Below are two supplements that can help when combined with a healthy and balanced diet.


The LAMININE supplement from LifePharm has been shown in a clinical trial to lower the stress hormone cortisol. This slows down a cascade of events that continue to bombard the body with other inflammatory and/or stimulating compounds that may increase anxiety.

Many people consuming one to two capsules of laminine daily report better sleep, more positive moods, less anxiety, and overall well-being. Since emotions can run high when certain adverse events happen, an overall calmness can help cope with stress.

LAMININE also has a series of other health benefits:

  • LAMININE stimulates your body's stem cells to regenerate damaged cells in most organs to help alleviate sore and stiff joints and maintain healthy blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
  • Lowers cortisol to reduce stress and anxiety, enhance immune function, and improve mood, metabolic function, and energy.
  • Promotes deep sleep for improved mental focus and clarity.


As we mentioned earlier, prolonged stress can harm your immune system.
IMMUNE+++ contains a large amount of vitamin C, mushroom extracts and powerful antioxidants that provide immune support when the stressors in your life accelerate. Take IMMUNE+++ regularly to have its benefits in place before some crisis hits. IMMUNE+++ also:

  • Clinically shown to increase all white blood cells, including B and T cells*
  • Promotes quicker immune response by stimulating immune cell development & activity*.
  • Encourages the body’s first line of defense by promoting natural killer (NK) cell response*.
  • Provides round-the-clock, 24-hour immune protection, lasting longer than regular Vitamin C*.
  • Maintains integrity of skin, facial tissues, and connective tissues by crosslinking collagen fibers*.
  • Supports faster wound healing*

For more information and health tips, please visit today!


By integrating these stress management strategies into daily life, individuals can mitigate the impact of stress on their mental and physical health. Understanding stress as a manageable force empowers individuals to proactively navigate life's challenges and cultivate resilience in the face of adversity.

Stay healthy and happy with Laminine FGF-2

More to come about Laminine and FGF - 2 Stay tuned...